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1984 - 2024
on the Gaula river


Gaula flyfishing friends (GFF), operates a 24-hour a day fishing rotation. This rotation is broken down into 6-hour sessions with two fishermen fish each beat at a time. That is what we call exclusive fishing!


Our 11 excellent and varied beats ensure high quality fishing at any waterlevel, an important factor in a wild river. 

The GFF anglers have  6.5  km of Gaula river to enjoy, most beats are double bank.

The fishing starts at Saturdays 12.00.

A guide introduction will be given upon arrival at our meetingpoint Norstu Bogen farm. To be ready in time for fishing we recommend you to meet up with the team around 10 o`clock.

Big salmon at Stadion pool


Gaula Flyfishing Friends offer high quality beats, each different from the other. They are all exciting and challanging to fish and with good catch statistics. We cover all water levels, from hight to low. GFF has a reputation as a classic Gaula fly fishing operation, that still holds merit.


Our beats include some of the more productive pools on the middle part of the Gaula. Among them the Stadion at Rognes stands out, with its very high catch rate and easy fishing. But also other legendary and famous pools are included, such as the  Bridge pool Reppe and the historic Sæter pool.

    In short


The value of good fishing

GFF has its roots going back to the early 1980s and the ambitious effort done at the time by the local entrepenour Arne Flagestad, together with Swedish salmon promotors.


Today GFF is managed by one of the landowners, Ann-Britt Bogen.  Lodging is simpel, but honest and practical.

GFF is suited for the passionate and responsible angler who values good fishing and a welcoming athmosphere.

Gaula Salmon Fund

We fight for the survival of
the wild salmon

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